401(K) Loan Basics – 5 Things You Should Know
There are several instances in life when you may urgently need funds. For instance, you have to pay a huge sum on your credit card bill or have a major home repair to take care of. One of the options by which you can acquire funds in needs like these, is a 401(k) loan. But, before you rush to get a 401(k) loan, why not first get down to understanding some essential 401(k) loan basics? Understanding how this loan type works would let you reap benefits rather than cost you. Essential 401 (k) loan basics What is a 401(k) loan? A 401(k) loan is an arrangement that helps deal with unplanned expenses, while at the same time saving a considerable amount of money for retirement. A 401(k) loan is when you borrow funds from your 401(k) retirement savings account. A timely repayment of this loaned money with interest is the only way to safeguard savings and keep them on track. What is the repayment like? In the case of a 401(k) loan, the repayments are taken from the paycheck automatically after taxes and other payroll deductions. In most cases, repayments are taken on a monthly or quarterly basis. The longest repayment term that is allowed is five years.