6 Top Ways to Naturally Fight Hair Fall in Winter
Just like our skin, our hair also goes through many changes with a change in season. You might have noticed sudden hair loss whenever winter arrives. With a drop in temperature, only our heating systems come to our rescue. However, the dry air from the heaters makes our scalp dry, by sucking out all the moisture. A dry scalp results in dry hair, which further leads to breakage and hair fall. You might find numerous treatments and chemical products, promising to help you with the problem but they might cost you a lot. Here are some natural treatments to combat hair loss, which will not only help prevent hair fall in winter but also make your mane healthier. Oil massage Oil massages are an age-old remedy for healthy hair. Nothing can beat a good oil massage. A hot oil massage is recommended once a week. You can use almond oil, sesame oil, castor oil, or olive oil, as they provide your scalp and strands the right nourishment. These oils are rich in vitamins and fatty acids as well. Adequate water intake With the onset of winter, our water intake decreases. The dryness in the weather makes the scalp dry too, which weakens the hair follicles and results in hair fall.