Try These Home Remedies for Migraines

Try These Home Remedies for Migraines

Migraine is a condition in which you experience severe pounding headache and dizziness. It is more of a neurological condition that makes you sensitive to light, sounds, and smells, and causes nausea and vomiting. Migraines can be chronic and they may impact your daily life. While there are different medications to treat and prevent the condition, many people prefer natural remedies as they have no adverse effects. If you are one among them, here are some simple and effective home remedies for migraines that you can try.

  • Acupressure
    Applying pressure to specific parts of the body will stimulate the points and release muscle tension. For migraine pain, you should apply pressure between the base of the pointer finger and the left thumb for about 5 minutes. While applying pressure, make sure it is firm but not painful. This is one of the most simple and effective home remedies for migraines.
  • Change your diet
    Making certain changes to your diet may also keep migraines at bay. Limit the intake of processed foods, alcohol, red wine, chocolates, and caffeinated beverages. To manage migraine pain, you can maintain a food diary and keep track of the foods that trigger the condition. Changing your diet and avoiding foods that can make the condition worse is one of the most helpful home remedies for migraines.
  • Ginger
    Ginger is a beneficial root packed with many nutrients and bioactive compounds. Studies have shown that ginger powder decreases the severity and duration of migraines without any side effects. It is believed to be as effective as the common migraine medicine.
  • Yoga
    Yoga is one of the easiest and most effective home remedies for migraines. Deep breathing, meditation, stretching, and different body postures improve blood circulation and ease tension in areas that trigger migraine pain. Studies have proved that people who practiced yoga every day experienced notable relief from the condition.
  • Manage stress
    Stress and anxiety are common migraine triggers. Therefore, it is important to find outlets for stress to keep the condition in check. These include meditation, listening to light music, long walks in nature, exercise, and journaling. A warm bath may also ease muscle tension and relieve migraine pain.
  • Try feverfew
    When looking for home remedies for migraines, you ought to try this one. The flowering herb feverfew is commonly used to relieve the symptoms of a migraine without any side effects.
  • Natural oils
    According to experts, lavender and peppermint may help ease migraine pain, nausea, and light sensitivity. Apply the oils to the forehead and temples and it should offer quick relief. The presence of menthol in peppermint oil may stop migraine headaches.
  • Massages and reflexology
    You can also try scalp massages to alleviate migraine pain. Massages promote circulation and ease tension. Reflexology or massaging the reflex points on your hands and feet can also help.

These are some of the best home remedies for migraines. Apart from these, make sure you have a healthy diet, get a good 7-8 hours of sleep, and work out every day to stay fit and prevent migraine pain.