The Do’s And Don’ts of Keto Diet According To Dieters

The Do’s And Don’ts of Keto Diet According To Dieters

There are so many options for people who want to go on a diet to choose from. Hence, it is very important that we as dieters know the dos and don’ts of the diet that we would like to follow. If you choose to follow the keto diet plan as a dieter, you will need to use this as an opportunity to help you to break and replace the not-so-good habits that you may have followed. Hence it is essential to know about the keto diet completely before you can say the words ‘I’m going keto’. Keto is the short form of ketogenic and this form of dieting has been in practice for more than a hundred years for children with uncontrolled seizures. This diet has shown great results for the reduction of seizures and it works as a means to reduce weight as well. So what do dieters have to say about the dos and don’ts of this diet form? Scroll down to take a look.

The dos of keto diet according to the dieters:

  • Using a keto calculator has proven to be very useful as you can keep track of what you eat and figure out your macronutrient goals. The keto diet has definitely become much easier to follow according to dieters as there are a lot more keto-friendly recipes and products available today than there were ten years ago. Some of the keto-friendly products include low-carbohydrate wraps, noodles, nut flours for baking
  • Fats of all types are welcome on the keto diet which is so unlike what the other diets practice. This diet focuses on a low-carbohydrate, high fat, and moderate protein diet which works extremely well for people who hold sedentary jobs and hobbies.

The don’ts of keto diet according to dieters:

  • A negative about following the keto diet is that it can sometimes make eating feel more like science than pleasure. This is mainly due to the fact that you have to keep track of all the ‘macros’ such as our carbs, protein and fat; this can feel burdensome especially if you have to do it for every meal and snack that you eat. Most people finally end up with just an automated routine which has them eating the same combinations of food for most meals and snacks.
  • There is also a limit on the intake of vegetables and many keto followers feel that starchy vegetables like asparagus, eggplant, broccoli, spinach, and kale have to be avoided as they are too high in carbs. This is not completely true because carbohydrates from veggies are welcome. However, it is important to not eat a lot of root vegetables.
  • It’s also quite easy to go overboard with the high-fat processed meats like bacon and sausage.

The keto diet adds more barriers as it takes healthy eating habits to the next level. Going out to dine with friends or family always poses a problem. The same holds true for traveling and preparing meals for the entire family; unfortunately, all these scenarios pose extra challenges when you are following a very strict protocol like the one that the keto diet requires.