Overview, Symptoms, and Diagnosis of Common Types of Hepatitis

Overview, Symptoms, and Diagnosis of Common Types of Hepatitis

Inflammation or irritation of the liver caused by viral infection is called hepatitis. There are various causes for hepatitis which could be due to drugs, trauma, or due to an autoimmune disease. Some of the common types of hepatitis are Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Hepatitis A & E are acute and can be cured through medication and rest at early stages. While the other type of hepatitis are severe and can lead to dreadful conditions if not treated at early stages.

Symptoms of common types of hepatitis
Symptoms for chronic hepatitis such as Hepatitis B and C are not evident at the early stages. Symptoms develop only after the infection affects the functionality of the liver. Such is not the case in Hepatitis A & E, wherein symptoms are evident immediately after infection. Some of the symptoms for hepatitis are:

  • Tiredness
  • Running nose, chills, and fever
  • Passing dark urine and pale stools
  • Severe pain in the abdomen
  • Food aversion or loss of appetite
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Signs of jaundice, such as skin and eyes color turn yellow

Diagnosis for common types of hepatitis
A doctor’s consultation is required once you experience the symptoms of hepatitis. Your doctor will conduct a physical examination by gently pressing down the abdomen area to check for pain or inflammation. The doctor will also note the color of your skin and eyes and may also check for swelling in the liver. Followed by a physical examination, he/she would go through your family history and lifestyle habits to confirm the presence of hepatitis. Once your doctor confirms the presence of hepatitis, he/she will ask you to go through a series of tests to determine the severity of the infection. Some of the common tests are:

Liver function tests: A blood test is done to check the functionality of the liver and its efficiency. An increased liver enzyme level confirms the dysfunctionality of the liver due to stress or damage. This is one of the first tests to determine the presence of hepatitis.

Blood tests: Depending on the results of the liver function test, the doctor will advise you to go through a blood test to determine the cause of the problem. Blood tests can reveal the presence of viruses that cause hepatitis. In some cases, increased antibiotic reactions are also noted that develop into autoimmune hepatitis.

Ultrasound: An ultrasound is advised once the presence of viruses is confirmed to get clear images of the abdominal organs with the help of ultrasound waves. This imaging process allows the doctor to get a clear image of the liver and surrounding organs. The images can show the presence of fluid, tumor, and lesions in the liver or the abdominal area. It also reveals the extent of damage to the liver and surrounding organs.

Liver biopsy: Through an invasive procedure, a liver biopsy is done by the doctor to remove a sample of the infected liver tissue. This is a very simple procedure that can be done by inserting a needle through your skin. The sample collected is sent for lab analysis to decide on the extent of liver damage.