Natural Ways to Treat Male Pattern Baldness

Natural Ways to Treat Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is a condition that affects up to 40% of men globally every year. This is also called androgenic alopecia and the signs include hair loss in patches, receding hairline, and severe hair fall. Genetics plays a great role in determining the extent of the condition. Factors such as harsh shampoos, hard water, and mental stress can all accelerate the extent of baldness.

This article gives you a clear idea of the symptoms and treatments of male pattern baldness. You can try these natural home remedies to treat the condition.

Castor oil
One of the best oils that can work as a treatment for male pattern baldness is castor oil. This oil is extracted from castor beans and is sticky and has a strong smell. It has been proven to nourish hair strands and roots to help hair grow back faster than it falls. You can warm a few spoons of castor oil and apply it to the roots of the hair at night. You can wash the oil off the next morning.

Onion and garlic juice
This is a combination that has a really strong smell. You should, therefore, ensure you use this treatment only when you have enough time to thoroughly wash your hair. Try blending some onion and garlic and squeeze out the juice from this mix. You can now part your hair and apply it evenly on the scalp. Put on a shower cap and give this mix at least half an hour to work. You can then wash it off with a regular shampoo. Doing this twice a week can facilitate hair growth and prevent balding.

Eggs are one of the best ingredients to handle the symptoms of male pattern baldness. Eggs are a rich source of protein. Protein imbalance is a big cause of hair fall and baldness and therefore any article on the symptoms and treatments of male pattern baldness would not be complete without eggs on the list. You can massage your scalp with egg white to improve blood circulation in the scalp and to promote thicker and lustrous hair growth.

Nigella seeds
In Ayurvedic medicine, Nigella seeds are considered to be a wonderful natural product to treat baldness. You can make a paste of the seeds and mix in some olive oil. Apply this all over the bald spots or spots that have excess hair loss. If you can find Nigella seed oil, that is a great alternative too. The symptoms of male pattern baldness can be addressed effectively with Nigella seeds.

Henna leaves
Henna leaves or henna oil are also perfect to control male pattern baldness. Henna moisturizes hair and helps it grow faster. The nutrients in henna leaves also prevent hair fall.

The symptoms of male pattern baldness need to be handled as quickly as possible in order to prevent complete baldness. Hence knowledge of the symptoms and treatments of male pattern baldness can help to manage this condition. You can try these home remedies regularly to bring back your original hairline and control baldness.