Melanoma – Treatment and Prevention

Melanoma – Treatment and Prevention

Melanoma, which usually occurs in the skin, is a type of cancer that arises due to the pigmen-containing cells. It is considered a serious type of skin cancer. Unfortunately, the exact causes of melanoma haven’ been determined. Having said that, exposure to sun and tanning beds increases one’s risk of being diagnosed with melanoma. The first signs of melanoma usually are unusual-looking growth on one’s skin and the appearance of moles.

Preventive measures for melanoma
There are several preventive options in order to avoid developing melanoma. It is advisable to protect oneself from the sun. Exposure to the sun happens in several ways. This can be direct or indirect exposure.

Here are some measures to take that are effective in avoiding the development of the disease. These are an important part of the prevention and treatment of the symptoms of melanoma.

  • Avoid exposure to the sun in the middle of the day
    The sun’s rays are the strongest from 10 am to 4 pm. One should seek shade during this time, even during winters. One can attract UV rays throughout the year and clouds hardly offer any protection. This helps to avoid sunburns and suntans that can damage the skin and cause cancer.
  • Wear sunscreen throughout the year
    Many sunscreens are available with UV filters. They help protect the skin from these harmful radiations by adding a protective layer. One has to apply sunscreen generously at regular intervals throughout the day.
  • Wear protective clothing
    Sunscreens are not enough to block UV rays. In places where the sunlight is harsh, it is important to cover one’s body for an additional protective layer.
  • Avoid tanning lamps and beds
    These items emit strong doses of UV rays and can significantly increase the chances of developing skin cancer.
  • Pay heed to changes on the skin
    It is important to pay heed to one’s skin and notice any changes or new buildups. Check existing moles, freckles, and bumps and see if there are any significant changes.

Treatment for melanoma
Mentioned below are the prevention and treatment of the symptoms of melanoma:

  • Surgical removal
    Surgeries for removing melanoma vary depending on the stage of the disease. A biopsy is performed to remove a part of or the entire lesion. It is sent to a lab for analysis where the disease is staged. In stage 0 and stage 1, a scalpel is used to remove the tumor. A percentage of normal skin around the margin is also removed to ensure the disease is completely treated.

In advanced stages, multiple surgeries are recommended, including the removal of lymph nodes.

  • Immunotherapy
    Medicines are used to destroy cancer cells. The procedure helps the immune system release cells that fight cancer.
  • Targeted therapy
    This treatment targets only specific genes and proteins related to melanoma. Specific inhibitors produce proteins that block and destroy tumor cells.