Home Remedies that can Help in Managing Asthma in Toddlers

Home Remedies that can Help in Managing Asthma in Toddlers

Management of asthma in toddlers or children under the age of 5 can be outright difficult. This is so because, in toddlers, the most common symptoms of asthma, such as wheezing or coughing, can also be caused by conditions other than asthma.

Management of asthma in toddlers requires frequent monitoring and careful observations. On the basis of that, you can adopt lifestyle changes and make adjustments at home and other environments to reduce your child’s exposure to triggers. Some lifestyle tips for managing asthma can help in effectively managing asthma in toddlers. There are home remedies and steps that can be followed to reduce the possibility of an upcoming asthma attack.

Here are some lifestyle tips for managing asthma that can help your toddler:

  • Clean the immediate environment of your child and keep it free from dust and other allergens as far as possible. This is one of the most important tips for managing asthma.
  • As a part of your cleaning routine, you need to keep pet dander also under control. The best way out is not to keep a bird or a pet. But if you do have a feathery or a furry pet, regular washing or grooming of the pet is essential. Keep the pets out of your toddler’s vicinity.
  • Remove household products such as cleaning agents that can potentially contain irritants.
  • Regular washing of hands and maintaining hygiene to lessen the chances of the toddlers catching a cold is a must.
  • Reduce unnecessary exposure to cold air especially when your child is outside by putting on a face mask.
  • As one of the most effective tips to manage asthma, you need to place a dehumidifier or air drier in your home. This is essential if you live in a damp climatic zone.
  • Some studies have revealed that patients were found to have relief from the symptoms of asthma by inhaling eucalyptus oil. Though this has not been proven, it can act as a temporary relief.
  • Toddlers should not be given heavy foods such as dairy products and cold foods such as ice cream.
  • Another excellent tip to keep asthma under control is to give warm foods to toddlers at regular intervals.
  • To relieve the chest from the immediate symptoms, you can massage the toddler’s chest with slightly warmed sesame oil with a pinch of salt.
  • Giving lukewarm water with honey added to it has also been found to be one of the effective lifestyle tips for managing asthma in toddlers.
  • Implement specific changes in the toddler’s sleeping area. Replace carpets and install hard flooring. You need to use blinds and washable curtains to avoid the accumulation of dust. You can also cover all pillows and mattresses in dust-proof covers to avoid asthma triggers, especially at night.
  • Running an air conditioner helps maintain humidity and keeps a check on the spread of dust mites. It helps reduce the presence of airborne pollen and prevents them from entering into your house. In case, you are not able to use an air conditioner, you need to keep your doors and windows closed during the pollen season.
  • One of the more effective lifestyle tips for managing asthma is to have a system installed to keep the indoor air clean. Regularly change the filters, and have a professional checkup of the heating and air conditioner system. You can also consider installing a particle filter system in your housing ventilation system.