Effective Methods to Quit Smoking

Effective Methods to Quit Smoking

Smoking cigarettes is linked to some of the most deadly diseases related to the lungs and the heart. They also cause serious impairment of the bones, kidney disorders, and affect sexual performance. However, nicotine dependence is an extremely strong factor encountering challenges in the attempt to quit. While there are effective methods for smoking cessation, it takes enormous determination and will power to see through the habit completely and forever.

This article takes you on an inward journey into the methods available to stop smoking and add life to your years. Study each method carefully if you are seriously considering quitting smoking for good.

Try non-nicotine medications
The FDA has approved a couple of nicotine-free medications that effectively combat smoking. An authorized healthcare provider will prescribe you these medications along with others if needed. These drugs are available only against prescription. The two nicotine-free medications are:

  • Bupropion
    The medication works on the brain’s hormones that influence nicotine cravings. This medication significantly reduces cravings and symptoms of nicotine and its withdrawal. It also provides the added benefit of controlling weight post-quitting. It’s available as a tablet and is often prescribed for 12 weeks. It can be used additionally for up to 6 months to avoid the risk of smoking relapse. There is a risk of behavioral changes, slight depression, aggression, and suicidal thoughts.
  • Varenicline
    The medicine binds with nicotine receptors in the brain that fight the pleasure derived from tobacco use. It also attacks withdrawal symptoms and makes smoking less pleasurable. It has reported the highest quit rates. The medicine can be taken for 12 weeks. It is often used for a few more weeks to kill the possibility of a smoking relapse.

Combined treatments
Combo treatments are more effective methods for smoking cessation than a stand-alone treatment. You can experience significant results using a nicotine patch. Choosing a behavioral therapy with nicotine replacement therapy does a world of good to quit smoking. You can target specific symptoms and triggers by combining prescription medication with a nicotine replacement therapy patch. The FDA has approved quite a few combinations after thorough research about their effects on successfully treating the condition. However, the FDA has not approved the combination of two or more nicotine replacement therapies at the same time. If considered, it has to be approved by an expert regarding its approach and its uses.

Smoking cessation treatment

The effective methods for smoking cessation include three phases, namely:

  • Preparation motivates the smoker’s intention to quit smoking by helping build the will power and the confidence to be successful
  • Intervention that Involves multiple forms of treatments to assist smokers to achieve complete abstinence.
  • Maintenance that consists of coping mechanisms, support, and substitute behaviors that aim for permanent abstinence

The final word
While a significant number of smokers attempt to quit smoking on their own, most need cessation programs to achieve better results. Those who successfully quit often take influence from health professionals. These also include smoking-cessation kits provided by public or voluntary agencies. There are mass media campaigns, including the Great American Smokeout and community programs aiding successful cessation.