Best Exercises to Treat Erectile Dysfunction Naturally

Best Exercises to Treat Erectile Dysfunction Naturally

Erectile dysfunction refers to the condition of the inability to maintain an erection among men. According to medical sciences, it is usually caused by various physical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and low testosterone. In addition to the physical causes, various other health and mental conditions such as psychological issues, blood flow problems, hormonal fluctuations, and nerve damage also often lead to symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Along with medications, there are natural remedies for erectile dysfunction to get rid of its symptoms. If one currently suffers from erectile dysfunction, one can try the below listed natural remedies.

Start walking
According to various studies, 30 minutes of daily walking drops the risks of developing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction by 40 percent. Furthermore, regular moderate exercise helps in restoring sexual performance.

Pelvic floor exercises
Pelvic floor exercises are beneficial in improving the strength of pelvic floor muscles. Such exercises are more commonly known as Kegel exercises. In particular, Kegel exercises help strengthen the bulbocavernosus muscle. Bulbocavernosus muscle is one of the important muscles of our body that does three jobs: a) allows the penis to engorge with blood during erection, b) pumps during ejaculation, and c) helps empty the urethra after urination.

To perform Kegel exercises, squeeze the bulbocavernosus muscles and hold them for at least five seconds and then relax. Repeat this activity for 10 to 20 times. To get the desired results, you can opt to do this exercise two or three times a day. You can do this exercise in different positions such as lying down with your knees up, sitting in a chair, and standing.

Aerobic exercise
In some cases of erectile dysfunction, working on the muscles beyond the pelvic floor also helps in combating the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. According to a recent study, aerobic exercise can help in getting rid of the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. The symptoms of erectile dysfunctions are often caused by blood flow problems to the penis. Inferior blood flow to the penis can be a cause of different physical conditions of the human body such as obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and vascular disease etc. The inclusion of aerobic exercise to your daily routine can improve your overall health and can be beneficial in relieving the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Regular Pilates exercises are also a great way to fight the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Among the pilate exercises, knee fallouts are the best natural remedies for erectile dysfunction. They are very easy to perform and can be the perfect add-on to your kegel exercises. One can start doing pilates by lying on the floor while bending your knees and keeping your feet on the ground. You need to engage your pelvic floor muscles and slowly lower one knee sideways towards the ground. Ensure to keep both feet on the floor. Bring your knee back to the centre and repeat with the other knee. Repeat this for at least ten times each side.

In addition to exercises, what we eat matters a lot. Always eat right. To decrease the likelihood of developing the symptoms of erectile dysfunctions, ensure to include diet rich in natural foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish in your meal. Try to avoid red and processed meat and refined grains as much as possible.