All About the Common Methods of Contraception

All About the Common Methods of Contraception

Contraceptives are methods used to prevent pregnancy. It also plays an important role in preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STD). STD is an infection that is passed through sexual contact from one person to another. Having unprotected sex can increase the risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection. Here are some common methods of contraceptives. There are two main categories of contraceptives:

  • Physical barriers
  • Hormonal contraceptives

Physical barrier contraceptives

They actively block the sperms from fertilizing. Some of the common physical barrier contraceptives are:

  • Condoms
    The most common methods of contraceptives under the physical barrier are condoms. The condoms capture ejaculated semen. They need to be removed after sex and cannot be reused. Condoms can greatly reduce the risk of contracting STI. They can be purchased at a relatively low price without any prescription. There are two main types of condoms.

External condoms
It is placed over the penis before intercourse. This can help avoid pregnancy by up to 98% and reduce the chances of STDs.

  • Internal condoms
    It is inserted into the vagina and sits at the opening of the cervix on one end and covers the external genitalia on the other. This type of condom has to be inserted 8 hours before sexual intercourse. It is 95% effective with perfect use.

Hormonal contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives contain small amounts of progestin and estrogen hormones. The purpose of hormonal contraceptives is to release both progestin and estrogen or progestin alone. Estrogen prevents the release of the egg. Progestin helps in the thickening of the uterine mucous, which stops sperms from reaching the egg. It is important to remember that STIs cannot be protected with any form of hormonal contraceptives. There are several types under this category:

Oral contraceptive pills
There are two types of contraceptive pills: combination pills and mini pills. The combination pill contains estrogen and progestin, and the mini pill contains only progestin. Both forms of oral contraceptives are 99.7% effective with perfect use.

Internal contraceptives
Internal contraceptives are of two types, namely birth control ring and intrauterine device.

  • Intrauterine devices (IUD)
    These are 99% effective. They are T-shaped devices inserted into the uterus by a trained physician. There are two types of IUD’s: hormonal IUD and copper IUD. Hormonal IUDs work by releasing progestin to the thicken mucous, while copper IUDs function by creating an inflammatory response in the cervix that kills the sperm. They are reversible and can be used up to 5 to 10 years depending on their type.
  • Birth control rings
    They are small flexible rings inserted into the vagina and kept in for three weeks after menstruation to release estrogen and progestin. They are 99.7% effective.
  • Transdermal contraceptives
    These release both estrogen and progestin. Transdermal contraceptives release hormones for the first three weeks and stop at the beginning of the fourth week. It is 99.7% effective.

This article covers the common methods of contraception that one can rely on. Always consult a doctor before choosing a birth control.