7 Diabetes-Friendly Late-Night Snack Options

7 Diabetes-Friendly Late-Night Snack Options

If diabetics take insulin at night, it results in low glucose levels as they sleep. The body senses this and starts producing hormones to increase the sugar levels again, and this process is called the Somogyi effect in medical terms. Between 2 am and 8 am, the sugar levels surge, and this is called the dawn phenomenon. To prevent such sudden surges, many doctors recommend that patients should have a snack either late in the evening or before bedtime that can balance the midnight surge of glucose levels.

Sometimes, preparing snacks can be overwhelming, especially if you do it every day. Even though doctors advise you to avoid processed and packaged foods, you can choose from store-bought food and snacks that have been marked safe for diabetics. You can stock some of them at home, your workplace, or in your car so that you can have a late evening snack or eat them when you do not have fresh or homemade snacks at hand.

  • Cinnamon roll thin crisps
    Low in cholesterol and sodium, you can get bite-sized crisps and pop them into your mouth to avoid messy eating. Keep stock of a few of these in airtight containers in your car or your room to deal with midnight hunger pangs.
  • Dark chocolate, cranberries, and almonds
    A trail mix of almonds and cranberries can satisfy your sweet tooth, and it is an ideal late evening snack. Almonds covered in dark chocolate, along with cranberries makes for a tasty as well as a healthy snack. It is low in sodium and rich in fiber, and monounsaturated fats from almonds are beneficial for heart health, making this a safe late snack for diabetics.
  • Popcorn
    Popcorn is an ideal late-night snack as it is low on calories and is a crispy, tasty snack. Diabetics can finish their day with this snack in case their fiber requirements haven’t been met through the regular diet. Easy to pop in a microwave, this snack is also low on fat and sodium.
  • Yogurt
    Yogurt is an ideal snack for both kids and adults with diabetes. It is naturally sweet and is rich in fiber, and it is a probiotic food. This safe late snack option for diabetics is high on calories but has zero fat.
  • Cheddar cheese crisps
    High on protein and fiber, these crisps can be accompaniments to your lunch or a standalone snack. It is high on calories and low on carb, along with being very low on saturated fat.
  • Mild guacamole
    If you run out of homemade dips and sauces, this is a safe option to buy to combine with homemade baked chips or even vegetable sticks. This is high in monounsaturated fats, making it a safe late snack for diabetics that is also good for the heart.
  • Nutrition bar with peanuts
    It always helps to have nutrition bars stacked in multiple places like your handbag, car, or office desk. They are ideal snacks when you feel hungry, or you can have them before supper and occasionally before bed as well. You just have to ensure that you do not have too many of these as they are high on calories, low on carb, sugar, and fats.