5 Key Benefits of Opening a Savings Account For a Student

5 Key Benefits of Opening a Savings Account For a Student

Most students deal with their expenses by the pocket money received from home or their savings from their part-time jobs. While this usually suffices for most days, there can be times when emergencies come up and the savings may just not be enough. In such cases, a savings account can be a boon. Also, it is never too early to learn financial management.

Let’s have a look at the benefits of savings accounts for students that will convince you it is time to open your own.

Let’s you take up opportunities
Having funds at hand allows you to take opportunities that you otherwise would have given up. For instance, you might want to join the dance classes opposite your student hostel yet the fees are unaffordable at the moment. Or, you might want to join a language class and again, money is the issue. If you have money saved up, you can grab these opportunities as they come along and you do not have to wait to ask your parents for money.

Helps pay for college tuition
Education is really expensive. Saving up will leave you with extra cash at hand to tackle those student loans when they come up for payment. Savings accounts help you earn interest on the money you have deposited in the account.

Also, you can consider studying further with the money that you have saved up without needing to worry about applying for yet another loan.

Allows you to be financially prepared
Expenses can crop up at any time and it is always best to have the funds at hand. These can range from medical emergencies to car repairs. Also, investing money in bonds means you cannot withdraw it at a whim.

Money in savings accounts can be easily accessed at any time with the swipe of a card. This is one of the benefits of savings accounts for students that truly shows why these accounts are so important.

Reduces dependence on credit
One of the benefits of savings accounts for students is that students learn to be financially independent. You can make purchases without needing to depend on a credit card. And, as we all know, debt on a credit card can skyrocket. The last thing that you need as you enter adulthood is being burdened with more debt.

So, open up a savings account to put aside those dollars that you have earned from your part-time jobs and watch your money grow to keep you financially independent.

Encourages financial education
Let’s face the truth, most of us hardly know anything about saving and savings accounts. Opening up a savings account is one of the best ways to start your real-world financial education. Apart from saving money, you can also learn to operate your savings account online, make withdrawals and much more. All of this will help you learn other financial products and services such as savings bonds, CDs, and more when the time comes.